beer experience

Beer Events

The Beer Hub offers a range of beer events that can be tailored to meet your needs. These events are a great way to educate and enthuse your staff while raising the profile of your beer.

More than 8,000 people have watched Mark present beer experiences over the last ten years, at all kinds of venues from village pubs and cafés to Brewers Hall in London and the Good Food Show at the NEC.

Mark has written articles about beer for a number of publications, and also spoken about the subject on radio and at food & drink fairs.

"Mark has inspirational beer knowledge that stems from his hard-won hands-on brewing and cellar management know-how. His 'meet the brewer' and beer-and-food-matching presentations are entertaining and delivered with real skill." Matt Wright Founder and Editor-in-Chief Great Food Club

Meet the Brewer evenings

An entertaining evening that guides you through the history of brewing with amusing anecdotes along the way. The brewing process is explained in an accessible way, with particular emphasis on beer flavours and styles. Tutored tasting is used throughout the presentation to bring the subject to life.

Beer and Food Matching

Working with your existing menu, we can create a beer matched event that perfectly complements your food offer and gives it a real point of difference.

Product launches

In conjunction with you as the brewer, we can design and implement a product launch programme that focuses on the attributes of your new products and communicates this to your customers in a fun and informative way.

See What We're Doing